Wednesday, October 3, 2007

The Hospital Stay...

Found this little "journal" we kept throughout most of our hospital stay...We were admitted Monday (8/20/2007), checked out on Saturday (8/25/2007). This journal covers Monday thru Wednesday...

Monday, August 20, 2007

0700 checked in, wrong time…come back at 0900
0915 checked in (Suite 4)
1030 Saline IV, Blood tests
1045ish IV pitocin…nurse Supron
1140 mom’s came
1300-1400 lunch with brian almeida
1415 moms left
1455 broke water (2cm, 70%)
1600 requested epidural
1615-1630 receive epidural (4cm, 90%) and catheter
1630 parents/a. Linda arrive
1645 allowed back into room
1720 r fell asleep
1745 a. glenna gma Jessie arrive
1800-1845 los tacos with dad
1850 a. Glenna, gma, Jessie, & mom’s leave (carmines)
1855 scare…couldn’t find baby’s heartbeat
1855 6 nurses in room
1856 inserted catheter to monitor baby’s heart/contractions. Stop pitocin
1900 shift change…new nurse…Michele
1900 rodney/jc arrive
1930 z arrives with pizza
1955 4-7cm. r pukes
2000 continue pitocin
2010 rodney/jc leave
2025 scott going home to shower
2040 susan and jeannie back from dinner
2040 r pukes again.
2055 fred and tina arrive.
2115 scott returns. doesnt smell anymore.
2125 sean and KT arrive
2130 zac goes home
2130 J/J arrive
2230 everyone leaves
2245 moms in waiting room, lights out
2330 nurse in to flip reiko…contractions up to 230’s…2 to 3 minutes apart…says we’ll check dilation in 2-3 hours…

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

0019 Reiko hungry…more ice chips!
0020 Nestlie in to check dilation…4-5cm still (4-5cm since 7 or 8pm…) Tells us to be more ‘open minded’ about a C-Section…being that it’s been 4-5hrs, and still 4-5cm…Going to monitor closely for the next hour or so (since we just re-started the pitocin) before contacting the MD. Everyone’s saying Dr Julian-Wang is a very patient MD.
0030 More O2…Baby seems happier with O2
0030-0045 Reiko/Michele discuss options (C-Section etc). She’ll be back at 0100 to check again
0100 Moms back in room
0103 Michele back, calls Anesthesiologist in for refill on epidural
0105 Dr Maskin refills epidural
0128 Michele back to check up…increases pitocin.
0145-0255 Finally…Sleep.
0255 Michele in…Contractions still 4 to 5mins apart. Increase pitocin again, we’ll see what happens. She’ll check on us again at 0330.
0304 Added Water to O2, more ice chips
0310 Dilated to about 7cm (2cm increase in 2hrs), change in bedding
0315 Barf time again
0320 Dr Julian-Wang says to continue, increase pitocin as can be tolerated…If fever comes up, will use antibiotics.
0335 Saline IV empty..change bag
0340-0515 Sleep time.
0515 Michele in, R now dilated to about 8cm. Reiko about a 7 on the ‘pain index’. Call for another refill on the epidural. New bedding.
0530 Another shot of duragesic (epidural)
0540 Epidural kicking in…not feeling so much pain.
0540 Moms’ still here…sleeping as much as possible.
0710 Ampicillin IV (for slight fever). Dr Julian-Wang will be in to deliver another patient, will stop by to visit R
0715 Michele off…Supron back.
0740 Waiting for Anesthesiologist to re-activate epidural (3rd time)
0810 Dr Julian-Wang in (9.5cm)…”Almost there”
0900-0925 Scott bfast break
0925 Start Pushing
1020 Dr Julian-Wang decides on C-Section…
1025 Reiko admitted to OR
1030 Scott enters OR
1035 Mikala Umeno Ige Toshima, 7lbs1oz, 21.5inches
1100 Reiko brought to recovery room
1130 Scott breaks news to parents in waiting room
1040-1245 Parents at Nursery
1215 Moved to Maternity Ward, Room 105 (Nurse: Michelle)
1245 Parents enter room
1255 Sean and Katie arrive
1315 Everyone leaves for lunch
1330 Reiko sleeping, after taking call from Cindy
1345 Scott to Lobby, Phone Calls/AIM/Text Messages
1445 Parents return from lunch
1450 Gpa Toshima leaves (haircut)
1500 Gpa Fred and Gma Tina and Samantha Arrive with Balloons and Flowers
1510 Flowers delivered (Eiji’s) from Ota’s, Takeda’s, Yanari’s
1530 Mikala enters room, gets passed amongst visitors
1545 Michelle comes in to help coach Reiko
1600-1630 First Breastfeeding Session
1700 Ordered “Room Service”
1715 Fred, Tina and Samantha arrive
1730 Rodney and JC arrive with balloon
1735 Flowers delivered (from Shinmoto’s)
1740 “Room Service” Arrives: Chicken Broth, Ginger Ale, Apple Juice and Juicy Ice
1800 Ige’s leave, Reiko and BB sleep
1830 First Diaper Change (wet only)
1900 Second feeding Attempt
1915 Toshima GParents Arrive
1917 Scott home to shower
1920 Gma Sandberg/Z Arrive
1930 Kevin/Cindy/Jaden Arrive
2030 Scott Return
2120-2155 Reiko feeding…Scott and Kevin go for walk (Courtyard, Cafeteria, Vons). Cindy/Jaden stay with Reiko/Mika
2155 Reiko done, Kev/Scott return
2230 Second Diaper Change
2240 Kev/Cindy/jaden leave
2250 Patty in to wash up Reiko
2350-0015 Feeding Session

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

0030 Pitocin IV done…
0055 Mika taken to Nursery until next feeding so we can rest
0320-0340 Mikala brought in for feeding (10R, 10L)
0630 Mikala in for feeding (nothing)
0715 Continue Pitocin IV
0730 Try again (nothing)
0830-0850 Mikala Finally eats
0900 Return Mikala to nursery (we slept)—Mikala receives bloodwork (from heel)
0900 ordered “breakfast” (jello, and AJ)
0915 breakfast arrives
1125 Michelle (nurse) ok’s change to “real” food
1130 P/U Mika from nursery
1145 Mom S., A. Linda and GGmaH arrive
1155 Scott lunch with Almeida
1235 Reiko’s first “real” meal arrives…Pasta and soup
1300 Kim and Howard arrive, MomS, A. Linda and GGmaH go to lunch
1330 Kim and Howard leave
1330 Karl Arrives
1345 Mikala off for blood work
1400 DadT and GmaT arrive
1405 Karl off to SD
1415 Mikala returns
1420 Reiko out of bed on her own, goes to restroom
1455 DadT and GGmaT go home
1500-2030 Cory/Joy, Peggy/Ryan, Eman, Benson/Brianna, Z, A. Glenna, Jessie, Wendy, Dawn, Steve, Benson/Nadine/Kristy, Mark, DadI Visit
2035-2105 Feed Mikala (15/R, 15/L)
2115 Reiko eating Second dinner
2140 DadI go home
2220-2240 feeding Mikala again
2310 Reiko/Mikala fall asleep in R’s bed


GpaF said...

Neat idea to log Mika's birth by date and time. Just make sure her siblings get the same blog space. Luvu, GpaF

GrmaT said...

How in heaven's name did you do this? Wow!

This part made me cry:

1025 Reiko admitted to OR
1030 Scott enters OR
1035 Mikala Umeno Ige Toshima, 7lbs 1oz, 21.5 inches